Du Larmer!
Du Larmer! (Picture Book)
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Du larmer! is based on the life of composer Else Marie Pade and her relationship with sound. Pade was a pioneer in concrete and electronic music in Denmark. During World War II, she was part of the resistance movement, was captured, and imprisoned in Frøslev Camp.
Back cover text
"Mor lærer Else Marie at spille på klaveret i stuen. Men det er kedeligt at spille på mors måde. Else Marie vil hellere spille de lyde, hun hører fra gaden. De sange, som stjernerne synger fra himlen. Den musik, hun har indeni."
Titel: Du larmer!
Isbn: 9788794513067
Text: Anja Hitz og Sille Jensen
Illustrations: Clara Selina Bach
Language: Danish
Format: 204mm x 280mm.
Page number: 52
Editor: Anne Sofie Allermann
Published by Forlaget Frø